Monday, May 24, 2010

5/24/10 End of year schedule

  • On Tuesday May 25, we will take out final unit test on Acids & Bases. A makeup will be posted on Castle Learning .
  • On Monday and Tuesday June 7 & 8, we will take a class final test. This will include material from the entire year. It will count as a test grade for the fourth quarter. Additionally, it can count as a makeup for the midterm. If students score higher on this test than the midterm test, I will replace their midterm score with this one. There will be no makeup for this test.
  • The Regents test is on Wednesday June 16 at noon.
Students that have to make up labs can use search for the actual labs in the lab books in order to make up any missing lab reports. All lab reports must be turned in by June 1 and be satisfactorily done to be eligible for the Regents test. I have calculated that students may be missing up to 4 labs and still have enough lab time to take the test. Students have been notified in class as to which labs they are missing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

5/17/10 Acid Base & Review

We did a lab on Acid/Base indicators.

We reviewed material from the first section of the review book, the atom.

Students should do the next section of the review book, Formulas & equations. They should do the practice questions on p 43 & 44 for Thursday, 5/20.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5/12/10 Acids & Bases - Start Review

<- Don't enter the test this way.

To begin review for the Regents test, which will be given on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 12 noon, we will start to use the review books. Students should read pages 2 - 20 and answer the practice questions on p 21-23. This will be due on Monday 5/17. We will continue with another section every few days. You may work ahead at your own pace. Assignments will always be from the practice questions at the back of each section.

Students have to hand in any owed lab reports by 6/1 to be eligible to take the Regents test.

We will continue with the Acids & Bases Unit.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/5/10 Electrochemistry test on Friday

Today we continued with review of electrochemistry and went on to acids & bases.

We will have a review day on Thursday. Students will be able to review and/or use worksheets to prepare for the teat on Friday. The entire worksheet can be found at Mark Rosengarten's site, or you can go directly to the page for the electrochemistry unit. An even more in depth worksheet set can be found here.

Notes for the unit, Electrochemistry, are available in several formats:
The next project is due by midnight Tuesday, 5/18. Remember that you need at least one project out of every two. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you want to get extra credit you need to do this project. Click here to see the project.