Friday, April 16, 2010

4/16/10 Testing

The 30 week test will be given on Monday 4/19 and Tuesday 4/20. This is a two day test and will include material from the entire year, Review sheets can be found at

The makeup for the organics unit test is online. Log into Castle Learning to take the test. You have until class time on Thursday to complete this test. If you score 80% or above and higher on this than your organic chem test, both of your grades will be averaged to give you your final grade.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/13/10 Organic Chem Test tomorrow

Bored with her career in organic chemistry, Dolores takes up a job in molecular modeling.

Notes for the current unit, Organic Chemistry, are available in several formats:
The next project is due by midnight Sunday, 3/21. Remember that you need at least one project out of every two. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you want to get extra credit you need to do this project. Click here to see the project. The second April project is also posted.